Monday, June 30, 2008

Zombie #11: Art Baltazar

Art Baltazar is the other half of the creative force behind Tiny Titans. He co-created Patrick the Wolf Boy, and has a few other original comic creations as well. He's also super friendly and says "Aw yeah man" a lot.
Thanks for the Zombie Art!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Zombie #10: Franco Aureliani

Franco Aureliani is the creator/writer/artist of the Weirdsville comic, co-creator/writer for Patrick the Wolf Boy, and writer for the new Tiny Titans comic, aw yeah! Tiny Titans had a free issue back on Free Comic Book Day 2008, and the popularity of that title has recently sky-rocketed. It's well deserved; That comic is just too funny, and these guys worked their bottoms off on it.
Thanks for the sketch Franco. Crayons, you gotta love that.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Zombie #9: Chris Giarrusso

Chris Giarrusso just made me the happiest boy on the planet. Chris writes and draws Mini Marvels, a comic about pint-sized versions of all of our favorite super-heroes. I remember being in middle-school and scanning through comic-books at the shop just to read the Mini Marvels at the end (please forgive me Chris, I was young and unemployed).
Check out Chris' original comics and be sure to also pick up Mini Marvels: Paper, Rock, Scissors in July. You can also read a ton of Mini Marvels at his website FOR FREE!! Also, watch this cartoon about the first Easter.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Zombie #8: John Avon

John Avon is a fantasy/sci-fi artist from the other side of the pond. I am forever grateful that he took the time to doodle up this zombie for me. For one, he was insanely busy. John doesn't cross the Atlantic often; When he does, he's met with endless lines of ungrateful kids who I really don't think appreciate his work.
And two, he's a usually a landscape artist and I know it must have been a nightmare to be requested to sketch something that he's never sketched before with a queue of hundreds of people waiting, so John, thank you so much for taking the time. I really appreciate this sketch. You are quite possibly the greatest fantasy artist in the world.
Check out his gallery. I could link every piece he's ever done individually, but in particular check out this island and this plains. It blows the mind.
Thanks again John.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Zombie #7: Derek Ring

Derek Ring... I just don't have the words. This sketch makes me so happy I could poop. Thanks so much for it.
Derek did the illustrations for the card game, Zombie Fluxx. He also does tons of illustration/graphic design/logo work. He did this mighty-awesome short graphic novel; Love Story (free download, you have no excuses not to click that link). He also has a blog.
Derek, please illustrate a graphic novel. It's meant to be. Thanks.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Zombie #6: Thomas Baxa

Thomas Baxa is a god of dark fantasy. He creates all sorts of nightmarish images for Magic: The Gathering, World of Warcraft CCG, Dungeons & Dragons, et cetera. He's pretty much the go-to guy for demons, zombies, horrors, ghouls, et cetera. I've always thought of him as the gold standard for evil with Rebbeca Guay on the other end of the spectrum with her angels, fairies, et cetera.
Baxa also has Wicked Fairies, his line of zombified fairies shirts. Jeez that's awesome.
Some stuff that blows me away; Zombie Infestation, Gluttonous Zombie, and Bad Ass, the Zombie Donkey. I'm going to go ahead and repeat that; It's that important. Bad Ass, the Zombie Donkey.